Medicines optimisation focuses on a person-centred approach to the safe and evidence-based use of medicines, with the aim of improving patient outcomes. It has a pivotal role in addressing the treatment burden and potential for harm associated with problematic or inappropriate polypharmacy - when multiple medicines are no longer beneficial, but become problematic or inappropriate when the actual or potential harms of taking medication outweigh the intended benefits, or the intended benefits have not been realised for an individual.
Medicines optimisation: the safe and effective use of medicines to enable to best possible outcomes. NICE 2015
Polypharmacy and medicines optimisation. Position Statement NZ Pharmaceutical Society 2015
Integrated Health Care Framework Consultation
Medication related harm in NZ general practice; a retrospective records review
Medication-related patient harm in New Zealand hospitals. NZMJ 2017
Achieving health equity in Aoteoroa New Zealand: the contribution of medicines optimisation. JPrimHealthcare 2018